The Designated Emphasis, referred to as the “DE”, is a specialization offered adjunct to affiliated doctoral degrees for students with research interests in computational biology and genomics. DE students receive a solid foundation in the different facets of computational/genomic research and the ensuing competitive edge for the most desirable jobs in academia and industry, which increasingly require interdisciplinary training. It is Graduate Division policy that students are admitted to the DE before taking their Qualifying Exam. Upon successful completion of the dissertation, the student’s final transcript will include the designation, “Ph.D. in [Home Program] with a Designated Emphasis in Computational and Genomic Biology.”
Associated Programs
This list is representative, not comprehensive, and we consider students from most relevant programs on campus:
- Bioengineering Graduate Group (Berkeley campus based students only)(link is external)
- Biophysics Graduate Group(link is external)
- Biostatistics Graduate Group(link is external)
- Chemistry Department(link is external)
- Computer Science Division, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science(link is external)
- Integrative Biology Department(link is external)
- Mathematics Department(link is external)
- Microbiology Graduate Group(link is external)
- Molecular and Cell Biology Department(link is external)
- Physics Department(link is external)
- Plant Biology Graduate Group(link is external)
- Public Health – Graduate Group in Epidemiology(link is external)
- Public Health – Graduate Group in Environmental Health Sciences(link is external)
- Statistics Department(link is external)
Normative Time
No additional time can be added to the normative time of your home department; however, due to the interdisciplinary nature of training and research in the Designated Emphasis, and depending on the student’s background, completion of the DE could add one, possibly two, additional semesters to the student’s total program.