Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP): 3D Printing at the Intersection of Materials, Process and Design: Nano Seminar series

180 Tan Hall

Prof. Joseph M. DeSimone, Stanford University, ChemE & MSE & Business The production of polymer products relies largely on age-old molding techniques. A major reason for this is that additive methods have not delivered meaningful alternatives to traditional processes—until now. In this talk, I will describe Continuous Liquid Interface Production (CLIP) technology, which embodies a…

Career Lab/Workshop: Converting your CV to a Resume

177 Stanley Hall

Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 12:30-2pm Stanley 177 If you are planning to apply for non-faculty roles, you will need to convert your academic CV into a resume. Learn the differences between the two kinds of documents, tips for organizing your resume, and get started crafting a resume that effectively conveys your strengths. Register here