
Career Clinic: CV reviews for the academic job search

online via Zoom

20-25 minute individual advising sessions for trainees "on the market" in 2022-23. Whether you are applying for a fellowship or a faculty position, get feedback to improve your application materials and your chances for success.  Sign up for a 25 minute online individual advising session! Co-hosted with Andrew Green, PhD advisor at the UC Berkeley Career Center. Register by Sept 2;…

Indigenous Cyber-relationality: Discerning the Limits and Potential for Connective Action

online via Zoom

Marisa Duarte, Arizona State University As Indigenous social movements increasingly rely on social networking sites (SNS) toward connective action, community groups also perceive the limitations of ICTs toward social change. For a range of reasons, grassroots activists, tribal elders, cultural knowledge-keepers, attorneys, IT experts, and law enforcement identify the vulnerabilities that radical uses of SNS…