To ensure that each of its students receives the necessary formal training and research experience to develop a successful career, the Biophysics Group created an academic program that is tailored to meet the needs of each student individually. This involves evaluating each student’s background and providing individual academic counseling to recommend appropriate coursework, and offering a wide choice of research opportunities in the laboratories of Group faculty. To provide the greatest possible breadth and flexibility, students, with the aid of their academic advisor, can tailor their coursework to come from any department in the university.

Requirements & Structure
- Biophys 293A/B is the only specific course required of all graduate students; it consists of research presentations by faculty and students.
- In their first year
- students perform three 10-week laboratory rotations with the chief aim of identifying a research area and selecting a dissertation laboratory by April/May
- all students must pass two graded STEM courses (a grade of “B” or higher for graduate students). Students work with members of the program to determine which courses meet their needs. Any exceptions to this policy (ie, completing coursework in 2nd year, using non-STEM course to fulfill requirement) must be approved by the Head Graduate Advisor. This requirement can be met by:
- a) completing a total of 5 units of graduate level coursework (200* and above)
- b) completing 6 units of combined graduate and upper-division (100 and above) undergraduate courses
- Domestic non-resident students are required to gain California residency by the end of the first year.
- Four semesters of academic residency are required by the Graduate Division: Students must be registered for a minimum of 4 semesters to obtain a degree.
- In the 4th semester, students must take and pass a three hour oral Qualifying Examination (QE) on fields specified by their QE Committee. One re-take is possible.
- After passing the QE, students choose a dissertation committee and advance to candidacy within 3-6 months. Yearly meetings with the dissertation committee are required.
- Students should be a Graduate Student Instructor (GSI) for at least one semester and must give an oral presentation at the annual Retreat at least once
- PhD candidates must write a dissertation based on original and independent research carried out by the student. Graduation is contingent upon at least one publication.