Fast-Track Strain Engineering for Speedy Biomanufacturing

The time and money required to engineer microbes to produce vital medicines and chemicals can be dramatically reduced with a new model-based method Using engineered microbes as microscopic factories has given the world steady sources of life-saving drugs, revolutionized the food industry, and allowed us to make sustainable versions of valuable chemicals previously made from petroleum.…

Triptych of three black and white images of researchers with each researcher holding up one of their hands to display drawing on their hand.

Nobelists show their hands in photo exhibit by noted German photographer

UC Berkeley CRISPR pioneer Jennifer Doudna is one of 60 Nobel Prize winners captured by renowned German photographer Herlinde Koelbl in striking black and white portraits that spotlight on the palms of the scientists’ hands their discoveries and insights. Forty of these unique portraits will be on display in the second-floor atrium of Berkeleys Li…

Chris and Michelle Chang receive 2024 ACS National Awards

The American Chemical Society (ACS) has announced Chris Chang and Michelle Chang as recipients of ACS National Awards for 2024. Michelle Chang has been given the ACS Award for Creative Work in Fluorine Chemistry, sponsored by the ACS Division of Fluorine Chemistry. Chris Chang has been recognized with the Alfred Bader Award in Bioinorganic or Bioorganic Chemistry, supported by an…

Hand in nitrile glove holding petri dish with bacteria samples, with other dishes sitting on table in background.

Greater access to water and sanitation could help curb antibiotic resistance

Berkeley-led study highlights key role of community environmental factors in transmission of resistance genes Increasing access to clean water and flush toilets could be an effective way to curb the rise of antibiotic resistance, particularly in urban areas of Africa and Southeast Asia. That’s among the key findings from a new ecological study, published today in Lancet…

Illustration of neural network with red, orange, and yellow splotches representing high activity, connected by green and light blue areas of lower activity and surrounded by purple and black areas of low or no activity.

Karthik Shekhar has been named a 2023 McKnight Scholar

The McKnight Endowment Fund for Neuroscience has announced the selection of ten neuroscientists to receive the 2023 McKnight Scholar Award. Karthik Shekhar, Asst. Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at UC Berkeley, has been awarded a scholarship for his project entitled Evolution of neural diversity and patterning in the visual system. Prof. Shekhar is also a member of…

An illustration of a glowing orb of light near a shadowed forest floor, with small leaves illuminated by the orb.

Photosynthesis, Key to Life on Earth, Starts with a Single Photon

Using a complex cast of metal-studded pigments, proteins, enzymes, and co-enzymes, photosynthetic organisms can convert the energy in light into the chemical energy for life. And now, thanks to a study published today in Nature, we know that this organic chemical reaction is sensitive to the smallest quantity of light possible – a single photon. The discovery…

Blue, pink and magenta figures illustrating the ribosome translation of mRNA into protein.

Retooling the translation machine could expand the chemical repertoire of cells

Synthetic biologists have become increasingly creative in engineering yeast or bacteria to churn out useful chemicals — from fuels to fabrics and drugs — beyond the normal repertoire of microbes. But a multi-university group of chemists has a more ambitious goal: to retool the cell’s polypeptide manufacturing plants — the ribosomes that spin amino acids…

Eva Nogales.

Eva Nogales Wins Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine

Eva Nogales, a senior faculty scientist in Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory’s (Berkeley Lab) Biosciences Area, has won the 2023 Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine for pioneering structural biology that enabled visualization, at the level of individual atoms, of the protein machines responsible for gene transcription, one of life’s fundamental processes. Nogales, who is also a…