An interview with Professional in Residence Faith Dukes: Building authentic connections in science between academia, government, and K-12 education

Faith Dukes, PhD, is the director of K-12 STEM Education and Outreach programs at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Dukes is joining the QB3-Berkeley Professionals in Residence (PIR) program on October 7th, 12th, and 14th. UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Lab graduate students and postdocs may register for Dukes’ PIR events here. Dukes spoke with graduate…

Jay Keasling receives Distinguished Scientist Fellow award

QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Jay Keasling has been named a Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The renowned synthetic biologist will be given $1 million in funding to support bioenergy and bioproduct innovation.

Three new investigators named by Howard Hughes Medical Institute

The Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI), the nation’s largest biomedical research foundation, announced the appointment of 33 American scientists as investigators, and three of them are from the University of California, Berkeley.

Eli Lilly gets behind the latest approach to solving gene therapy’s delivery problem

This story features GenEdit, a former QB3 Garage@Berkeley company. The incubator space in Stanley Hall features more than 800 square feet of laboratory space for startup companies.  Kunwoo Lee was a graduate student at UC-Berkeley when gene editing pioneer Jennifer Doudna — who happened to work in the same building where he studied — published a…

Bags of plastic bottles

How to make plastic truly biodegradable

UC Berkeley’s Ting Xu and her students have come up with one solution for the global problem of single-use plastics: embed enzymes in the plastic, so that once the bag or cup is no longer wanted, it will self-destruct with a little heat and water.

Using two CRISPR enzymes, a COVID diagnostic in only 20 minutes

In efforts to develop a COVID-19 diagnostic test faster than qRT-PCR, a research team led by QB3-Berkeley affiliates Jennifer Doudna, David Savage, and Patrick Hsu have combined two different types of CRISPR enzymes to create an assay that can detect small amounts of viral RNA in less than an hour.