CRISPRing the microbiome is just around the corner

The UC Berkeley group that invented the CRISPR-Cas9 genome editing technology nearly 10 years ago has found a way to add or modify genes within a community of many different species simultaneously, opening the door to what could be called “community editing.”

An interview with Professional in Residence Faith Dukes: Building authentic connections in science between academia, government, and K-12 education

Faith Dukes, PhD, is the director of K-12 STEM Education and Outreach programs at Lawrence Berkeley National Lab. Dukes is joining the QB3-Berkeley Professionals in Residence (PIR) program on October 7th, 12th, and 14th. UC Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Lab graduate students and postdocs may register for Dukes’ PIR events here. Dukes spoke with graduate…

Jay Keasling receives Distinguished Scientist Fellow award

QB3-Berkeley faculty affiliate Jay Keasling has been named a Distinguished Scientist Fellow by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The renowned synthetic biologist will be given $1 million in funding to support bioenergy and bioproduct innovation.