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We recommend one-dimensional LC-MS/MS in most cases for identification of proteins from gel bands.  Although we can generally make an identification from any band that can be seen with a protein stain, we recommend certain stains for best results.

Please refer to the following sample preparation protocols:

“In‐Gel” Digestion of Proteins in SDS‐Page Gel Slices for Mass Spec

Protocol revised by Lori, June 2011

We recommend Gelcode Blue® Coomassie stain (Pierce) for detecting bands. This technique

works for any band that can be seen by this stain. 0.1 to 0.2 micrograms of protein is ideal. Use a

new scalpel or razor blade to cut out each band. Mince each band into < 1mm2 pieces and

transfer to a clean microcentrifuge tube.

CAUTION: Many silver stains, including those claiming mass spec compatibility, give poor

results. Collodial Coomassie stains such as that recommended above work well. If you feel

compelled to stain with silver, the band should be completely destained (no visible color) before

starting this protocol.

Note: To avoid contaminants use only MilliQ water (or better) and wear gloves throughout

preparation. All reagents should be HPLC grade. Prepare all solutions fresh.

1. Wash the gel pieces for 20 min. in 500μl of 100mM NH4HCO3. Discard the wash.

2. Add 150μl of 100mM NH4HCO3 and 10μl of 45mM DTT. Incubate at 50°C for 15 min.

3. Cool to room temperature and add 10μl of 100mM iodoacetamide and incubate for 15 min.

in the dark at room temp.

4. Discard the solvent and wash the gel slice in 500μl of a 50:50 mix of acetonitrile and 100mM

NH4HCO3 with shaking for 20 min. Discard the solvent.

5. Add 50μl of acetonitrile to shrink the gel pieces. After 10-15 min., remove the solvent and

dry the gel fragments in a speed vac.

6. Reswell the gel pieces with 10μl of 25mM NH4HCO3 containing Promega modified trypsin

(sequencing grade) at a concentration such that a substrate to enzyme ratio of 10:1 has been

achieved. (If the amount of protein is not known, add 10-20μl of 25mM NH4HCO3

containing 0.1-0.2μg of trypsin) After 10-15 min., add 10-20μl of additional buffer, enough

to cover the gel pieces. Incubate overnight (8 hours or more) at 37°C.

7. Remove the supernatant and place in new microcentrifuge tubes. Extract remaining peptides

from the gel pieces twice with 50μl of 60% acetonitrile/0.1% formic acid for 20 min, then

once with 25μl acetonitrile. Add these extracts to appropriate tubes containing the

supernatant of the sample. Speed vac to dryness.

Sample submission form

We urge you to contact facility staff to discuss your project prior to sample preparation.