The Stanley Hall Safety Committee meets quarterly, on the 2nd Wednesday of the months of March, June, September, and December, from 11:00 a.m. to noon, in room 177 Stanley Hall. Safety representatives from each workgroup (laboratory, core facility, administrative unit, etc.) are required to attend each meeting, or send another member of the group in their absence.
The Stanley Hall Safety Committee serves as both Stanley Hall’s building safety committee and QB3’s department safety committee. This Committee serves as a forum for all safety-related issues. Topics will include reviews of incidents and related lessons-learned, announcements of training opportunities and inspection programs, and discussions regarding inspection findings. Minutes from each meeting will be posted in the resources section below, as well as in Stanley Hall room 174E.
Stanley Hall Building Emergency Plan (BEP) (PDF) is the building safety document that outlines emergency procedures, contact information, maps of evacuation routes and the Emergency Assembly Area, and other related building and campus emergency information. Cal/OSHA requires all occupants of Stanley Hall to have documented training on this BEP.
Spill response carts are available on the north side of each floor (except B3), in the Emergency Response room. Lab employees’ common room keys will allow access to these supplies.
Chemical Spill Cart Procedures
- Isolate spill area and alert others to stay away
- Notify QB3-Berkeley Facilities 510-326‐0496
- Identify chemicals, then review the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to evaluate if respiratory protection is needed, identify recommended Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and cleanup procedures. Call Thom Opal 510-207-4770 for assistance interpreting the SDS.
- For materials that pose a serious potential health hazard, spills that require respiratory protection (GHS Hazard codes H300, H301, H310, H311, H330, H331, H304, H314, H350i), or larger spills:
During business hours call EH&S (510-642‐3073), and
During off‐hours, weekends, or holidays call Campus Police dispatch (510-642‐6760)
- Don the appropriate PPE (gloves, goggles, etc.) and contain the spill with an absorbent that is chemically compatible (see below).
- Clean the spill and dispose of hazardous waste and spill cleanup materials appropriately, via EH&S Hazardous Waste Program (HWP).
- Note spill cart supplies used and report them to Thom Opal, for cart re‐stock. It is also important to document and report spill incident activities.
Spill Cleanup Materials
- Teal Universal Spill Pad – For all liquid chemical hazards, including hydrofluoric acid
and other corrosives - White Spill Defense Pillows – For non‐oxidizing liquids
- Dri‐Zorb – For non‐corrosive and non‐oxidizing liquids. Best for aqueous salt
solutions, buffers, and non‐toxic organic liquids (such as oils) - Vapor Barrier Sorbent – Place over flammable or toxic liquids to reduce volatility
- Mop/Bucket ‐ For cleaning up non‐hazardous liquids only
- Shop Vac – (Floors 1 and 5 ER rooms) For removal of non‐hazardous materials only
Chemical Exposure/Injury
- Remove victim from source of exposure. If it is not safe to do so, or if the injury is
serious, call 911 (or 510-642‐3333 from a cell phone). - If exposure is to skin or eyes, immediately flush affected area with water, using an
emergency shower or eyewash. Continue flushing for 15 minutes. - Remove contaminated clothing from the victim. Follow other emergency procedures
outlined in SDS. - If the injury is not serious, victim should be accompanied and taken to the Tang Center
Urgent Care Clinic (510-642‐6891) near the south‐west corner of Campus (2222 Bancroft,
between Ellsworth & Fulton, 2nd floor). Bring MSDS, if possible. If the Tang Center is closed,
and medical attention is needed, go to Alta Bates Hospital emergency room at 2450
Ashby Avenue (near Telegraph/Ashby), Berkeley 510-204-1303. - Notify EH&S (510-642‐3073) immediately of any injury or hospitalization, in order to fulfill
Cal/OSHA requirements. Also notify QB3 Department Safety Coordinator Thom Opal, or QB3 Facilities 24‐hr. 510-326‐0496
QB3 Department Safety Coordinator and Stanley Hall Building Coordinator: Thom Opal, 174C
Stanley Hall, 666-3307 (office); 207-4770 (cell); 326-0496 (off-hours); in a new tab)
• Office of Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S)(opens in a new tab)
• EH&S Publications: Fact Sheets, Guidelines, and Booklets(opens in a new tab)
• Chemical Waste Management(opens in a new tab)
• Chemical Inventory Program(opens in a new tab)
• Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS)(opens in a new tab)
• Report of Unsafe Condition or Hazard Form(opens in a new tab)
• Occupational Accident , Injury or Illness Investigation Report Form(opens in a new tab)
• University Health Services (UHS)/ Tang Center(opens in a new tab)
• Computer Workstation Ergonomics – UHS
Employees who use their computers for four hours or more per day are encouraged to request an ergonomic evaluation of their computer workstation. University Health Services sponsors an Ergonomics@Work(opens in a new tab) Program. Contact the QB3 Safety Coordinator, Thom Opal (666-3307; in a new tab)) for an in-person computer workstation evaluation, or for any other ergonomic or repetitive-motion concerns (such as laboratory pipetting).