Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center (BNC) is an 11,500 sq ft class 1,000/10,000 cleanroom facility located in Stanley Hall on the UC Berkeley campus. The BNC is a unique fabrication and experimentation facility specializing in BioMEMS (Biomedical Micro-electromechanical systems) and Microfluidic devices. These exciting new technologies are poised to revolutionize medical diagnostics, analytical chemistry, proteomics, genomics, and cell biology.
The facility has a complete lithography microfabrication as well as soft lithography and glass or polymer bonding capabilities. The BNC features a full range of deposition, etching, metrology, and microscopy equipment as well as facilities for performing biological experiments. The center focuses on microfluidic processing of glass and polymer materials. Experimentation on proteins, nucleic acids, cells, and tissues are encouraged. In addition to a state-of-the-art research lab, the center also features a teaching lab for hands-on training of both undergraduate and graduate students.
The BNC is a core facility of the California Institute for Quantitative Biosciences and is open to both university and industrial users.
Welcome to the BNC
The Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center provides researchers the appropriate tools and services to facilitate design, fabrication, and evaluation of micro- and nano-scale devices for medicine and biology. To foster collaboration across the UC Berkeley campus and the broader academic and industrial communities, the BNC works toward several specific goals:
- Combine facilities for CAD, modeling, fabrication, analysis, and testing with biological specimens.
- Encourage multidisciplinary collaborations among biologists, chemists, engineers, material scientists, and physicists.
- Provide a training lab for undergraduate and graduate students to gain hands-on experience in creating microfluidic biomedical devices.
- Give researchers insight into the commercial diagnostics consumer marketplace through industrial partnership.
- Encourage non-conventional micro/nano fabrication techniques, complementing existing Microlab and CITRIS facilities at UC Berkeley.
Second Lab
The BNC is excited to partner with Second Lab, a platform that bridges the gap between university research facilities and the scientists and founders who need them. Second Lab offers
- Secure access to top instruments & services with one contract
- Fast signup: 24-hour approval
- Credit card payments accepted
Dorian Liepmann Faculty Director | |
Paul Lum Facility Director | |
Joseph Wong Financial Analyst | |
BNC mailing address | Biomolecular Nanotechnology Center |