- Plan cell growth or IP so that the target sample will be 100 ug or more of protein.
- Take digested peptides either from a large scale IP or a whole cell lysate and desalt using C18 Column and speed vac dry overnight (see separate peptide desalting and trypsin digestion protocols)
- Resuspend peptides in 200mM HEPPS pH 8
- Quantify peptides using Pierce Quantitative Colorimetric Peptide Assay (Pierce 23275) (Fisher accuSkan FC use Abs 490 in mass spec facility)
- Normalize peptides to be compared to equal concentration and volume in 200mM HEPPS pH 8 final volume 100ul for one reagent vial. (can use less with ratio of 8ug of TMT reagent to 1ug/peptide) (range recommended 25-100ug)
- Label using TMT labeling reagents (protocol TMT Mass Tagging Kits and Reagents) (used TMTduplex Label Reagent Set)
- Before use Equilibrate the TMT label reagents at room temp.
- Resuspend .8mg vial with 41ul anhydrous acetonitrile. Allow reagent to dissolve for 5minitues with occasional vortexing. Centrifuge tube briefly.
- Add 41ul of resuspended TMT reagent to tube of peptides (100ul).
- Mix gently and let react for 1 hour at room temp
- Quench reaction with 8ul 5% Hydroxylamine for 15min
- Combine samples at equal amounts in a new tube and store at -80
- Desalt using C18 Column and speed vac dry.
- Mass spec time!
TMT Peptide Labeling
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