General Requests
- E-mail
- In-person at Room 174
Emergency Requests
For maintenance emergencies, first call Campus Facilities Services at 510-642-1032, then report the issue to on-call building staff at 510-326-0496.
What is an emergency for UCPD?
- Crime
- Fire
- Serious medical condition or injury
What is a maintenance emergency?
A maintenance emergency is something that, if it isn’t repaired immediately, could cause injury, threaten your health, or cause serious property damage. Here are some specific examples:
- Broken water pipes
- Active leak at risk of flooding the area
- A sewer back-up
- Building exterior doors not locking
Not every maintenance issue is an emergency. If, for example, you have some lights out in a room or a slow drip that can be contained with a bucket, you’ll want maintenance to take a look, but it is not an emergency.
Facilities Services and Support
You must not make any repairs and alterations yourself. If discovered, you may be liable to restore the space to its original condition. If your lab or office needs any repairs or alterations, contact Stanley Facilities. Your request will be reviewed and forwarded to the appropriate department. If you have already initiated the scoping/design process with an appropriate department, you still need to contact Stanley Facilities for approval to proceed.
The following are common examples of alterations:
- Tamper with electrical or data wiring
- Install additional locks
- Drill holes into walls or floors
Public hours: Open Monday-Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Access to most rooms is restricted to authorized personnel by electronic card keys or metal keys.
After-hours: Access to building is restricted to authorized personnel. UCPD security patrol officer is on premises to provide security services and general logistical support during selected hours.
Areas requiring card key access:
- Exterior Doors
- Conference Rooms – 221, 321, 421, 521, 621, 808
- Bike Storage Room – 159
- Rad Waste Room – 161
- Medical Waste Room – 163
- Labs – B307, B300, 331, 424
- Server Rooms
- Core Research Facilities
Metal keys will be issued for all other rooms.
Keep Stanley Hall safe:
- Access into the building is restricted from 6 PM to 7 AM the following day. Authorized personnel only.
- Do not allow unauthorized personnel to enter the building behind you.
- Keep doors closed and locked behind you.
- Ask visitors to wait outside the building while their hosts are summoned.
- Do not leave any valuable items unattended.
- If you hear or see something suspicious, contact UCPD at (510) 642-6760. In case of imminent threat to life or property, dial 9-1-1 or (510) 642-3333.
Do not leave trash or containers in the stairways or hallway. The hallways should be clear at all times in case of an emergency.
Do not use your own garbage bags.
Do not put any sharps (e.g. needles) in trash or leave them on the floor. Uncontaminated sharps cannot be thrown in the trash. They must be put away in a sturdy cardboard box that is sealed with tape. Then mark the box “Trash, Please Remove” so the custodians know to pick it up.
Chemical containers are only to be placed in trash if the container is triple rinsed, defaced, and dry.
If the custodians see any sharps, powder, paste, or liquid on the floor, they will not service the area for their own health and safety.
For guidance on the disposal of hazardous material, consult the EH&S Dispose of Waste.
For special cleaning requests such as carpet shampoo or cleaning appliances are recharged, submit a general request to Stanley Facilities.
Dry Ice (sign-out required) is available in the Stockroom, Room 156. Please email Receiving at if you have any questions. If you plan to ship materials packed with dry ice, please contact Thom Opal or campus EH&S.
Liquid nitrogen is available to authorized labs in the filling station, Room 170 (outside at the loading dock, NW side of the building). The common area key signed out to each occupant will provide access to this area. There is an automatic filling station for use with pressurized dewars and a manual fill station for non-pressurized vessels. There is an incline going down into the room so take caution when entering and exiting. Please contact Thom Opal for guidance on safe use of these fill stations.
During Open Office Hours:
Option 1 – come to Room 174: Our staff will unlock the room for you without charge. If no one is in the office, call 510-326-0496 to find out when a staff member will be available.
Option 2 – call Campus Facilities Services at 510-642-1032: A locksmith will unlock the room for a fee of about $400. A valid chartstring must be provided at time of request.
After Business Hours (Including weekends and University Holidays):
There is no service provided for lockouts after business hours. You may want to create a backup plan for times that you might be locked out so that you can avoid possible long waits for help or any fee charges.
If you have lost a key, contact UCPD at (510) 642-6760 (or 510-642-3333 for TTY users) to file a police report.
The lost and found for Stanley Hall is located in Room 174. You can stop by Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. You can also email us at
The UC Berkeley campus lost and found is under the administration of the UC Police Department. You can contact them by calling (510) 642-6760 or emailing You can also stop by Sproul Hall, Room 1 Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm.
Submit a request by providing your room number along with a description of the problem. Photos are encouraged.
Routine maintenance of the building is provided by Campus Facilities Services free of charge. It does not extend to damages due to misuse and negligence; labs will be held financially responsible for those required repairs.
Seismic bracing of standard laboratory equipment is paid for by Stanley Facilities if work is requested through Stanley Facilities. Any request made outside of Stanley Facilities will not be reimbursed. Beyond standard equipment, the lab is responsible for the cost of seismic design and anchorage.
Neither Campus Facilities Services nor Stanley Facilities is responsible for maintenance of laboratory-owned equipment.
For filming and media requests please contact:
Mackenzie Smith
QB3-Berkeley Communications Manager
This guide gives you an overview of Stanley Hall and helps labs prepare for move-in. You’ll be introduced to our community, rules, safety, and resources available.
Bicycles should not be kept in labs or offices. The indoor bike room in Stanley Hall is limited in capacity. Only Stanley occupants who have research laboratories and/or offices in the building are eligible to park their bikes in the room. The bike must be registered with UCPD. If you meet eligibility requirements, please email to request access.
There are also outdoor bicycle racks on the west side of the building for locking up bikes. Additional bicycle parking exists on the southeast corner of Heart Memorial Mining Building, the north side of Latimer Hall, and the south, west, and east sides of Evans Hall.
Postings may not be taped or stapled to walls. Stanley Hall has white boards or chalk boards with cork boards, in all the elevator lobbies. The following are rules for postings in general areas at Stanley Hall:
• All postings must be dated with the date initially hung. Any posting without a date will be removed.
• Regular postings have a shelf life of two weeks.
• Event announcement postings expire the day after the event.
• No solicitation postings.
• Postings should have something to do with the building’s science or occupant events.
Please visit the reservations page for information on reserving rooms in Stanley Hall.
Contact Kris Thompson, the department equipment custodian.
- Emergency Response Rooms: B254, B154, 134, 254, 354, 454, 554, 654, 754
- Conference Rooms: 204, 221, 321, 421, 482, 521, 621, 808
- Ice Machines: B225, B103B, 127, 277, 348B, 465, 531A, 633, 727
- Autoclaves: B227, 127, 235, 348B, 430, 633
- Glasswashers: B227, 235, 430
- Liquid Nitrogen Fill Station: 170 (outdoor enclosure), 230A, B304B
- Radiation Waste Room: 161
- Medical Waste Room: 163
- Vending Machine: B1 elevator lobby (southside)
- Showers: B136A, B136B
- Lactation/Wellness Room: 115
- Bike Room: 159
- Admin & Facilities: 174
- Mail Room: 176
- Receiving: 156
- Café: 178
- Copiers: 334, 434
Cherry Chung
Director of Facilities and Engineering
Thom Opal
Environmental Health & Safety Specialist
Kris Thompson
Assistant Building Manager
Mike Bentley
Building/Receiving Lead