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CGRL Consulting

The CGRL provides consulting on experimental design, bioinformatics, and data analysis, as well as provides technical support for users of the HPC system (Savio).  Schedule a consultation through our Calendly scheduler. 

Research IT (RIT)

RIT offers consulting for UC Berkeley researchers in the domains of Research Data Management (RDM) and Research Computing (BRC). Their team is composed of computer specialists, library scientists, and researchers in various data-driven domains. They can help you form a research data management plan, gain access to computational resources and storage, understand and develop a data security plan, and troubleshoot your various technical difficulties.

To schedule a consultation or get help by email, contact RIT also offers drop-in office hours:

BRC also provides support for the campus HPC cluster, Savio. For technical issues related to Savio but not specific to the CGRL user group, you can open a help ticket by emailing

Statistical Consulting

The Department of Statistics offers free consulting to UC Berkeley researchers from advanced graduate students supervised by faculty members. The statistical consultants can help you design your experiments, as well as employ the best statistical methods after you’ve collected your data. Initial consultations are 30 minutes, and follow-up consultations may be longer.

To schedule a consultation, email with:

  • a one-paragraph description of your problem and the context in which it arises
  • your title and affiliation

Note that consultations are only offered during the Spring and Fall semesters.

Berkeley Algorithms Office Hours (BAOH)

BAOH is a free service offered by PhD students in statistics. If you are working on a tough computational problem, trying to optimize code, or otherwise have questions about the best algorithms that exist for the problems you work on, the BAOH can help you describe your problem in formal terms, understand the relevant efficiency metrics, and find papers or state of the art algorithms related to your problem.

To schedule a consultation, out a query form and a team of two or three students will get back to you.

Information Services and Technology (IST)

IST provides a number of services relevant to life sciences researchers, including:

  • Data Center Colocation (Server rack space)
  • Virtual Private Servers & Clusters
  • Enterprise Storage (SAN/NAS)
  • File storage (Box, bDrive, and CalShare)
  • Backup Services
  • Database Administration Services
  • Server Administration


The D-Lab provides training, consultation, and general support for data-driven humanities research. However, some of their trainings are relevant to computational and data scientists in any domain. Researchers looking for training and tutorial should check their website, and bioinformaticians may be interested in their mailing list for workshop announcements.