The rates for our PacBio Library Prep and Sequencing Services can be found here.
PacBio Library Prep & Sequencing
We offer PacBio sequencing services on the PacBio Sequel II and Revio. Each Sequel II SMRTcell contains 8M clusters, and a successful run typically yields around 5M reads. This translates to roughly 20 Gbp of data for circular HiFi reads. However, sequencing output varies significantly depending on library type and quality. Each Revio SMRTcell contains 25M ZMWs but the output of a run varies based on application. They types of libraries run on a Revio are very different that the older CLR libraries of the Sequel and dont translate into millions of reads per run. A good HiFi library in the 13-20kb range made from intact, clean HMW gDNA (WGS) should translate to 60-100 Gbp of CCS data from one Revio SMRTcell.
Instrument | ZMWs | Typical Read Output | Typical Raw Data | Typical Unique Data (CCS) |
Sequel II | 8 Million | 5 Million | 80 Gbp | 20 Gbp |
Revio | 25 Million | Varies by application | n/a | ~60-100 Gbp |
We can take samples/libraries from any stage and carry them through to sequencing. There is very little we can’t offer in the world of custom work, starting at any point in the process. Even just providing advice.
We offer High Molecular Weight (HMW) extractions, Femto Prep HMW gDNA visualization, shearing on a Megaruptor 3, all SAGE size selection services, as well as library preps from amplicons, gDNA, total RNA, mRNA, and single cells using all available PacBio kits, Kinnex Arrays, customized Kinnex arrays, custom workflows and also offer low input library preps.
Please refer to the PacBio webpage for more information on all applications available on the Sequel II and Revio.
Submitting Tissue Samples
Please contact us at if you are interested in high molecular weight DNA extractions.
Please email Justin if you are interested in our 10X services for the single cell kinnex workflow.
Submitting Nucleic Acids for Library Prep
DNA: 5-10 μg High Molecular Weight gDNA in 50 μL of an EDTA free elution buffer or Molecular Biology Grade water (RNase/DNase Free)
Amplicon: 1-5 μg amplicon pool in 50 μL of an EDTA free elution buffer or Molecular Biology Grade water (RNase/DNase Free)
RNA: 400-1000 ng Total RNA at a minimum concentration of 45 ng/μL (need 300 ng minimum) in an EDTA free elution buffer or Molecular Biology Grade water (RNase/DNase Free)
All Sample Types: 1:10 QC aliquot in an EDTA free elution buffer or Molecular Biology Grade water (RNase/DNase Free)
Label tubes on the TOP and sides of the tubes. We strongly recommend the following naming scheme:
Name the sample with the PI initials, your initials, and a unique number (e.g. SMFR001), If multiplexing name each sample that will be pooled by adding a letter to the pool name (e.g. SMFR001A, SMFR001B, etc).
Submitting Prepped Sequencing Libraries
Please contact us at to determine how much of the library we will need.