The Career Field Resource pages describe the more common fields that employ scientists with advanced training, with a short list of websites which will help you understand the field. Each section has:

  • at least one or two articles to provide an overview of the field or career paths;
  • resources specific to Berkeley (access to opportunities you can pursue while a student or postdoc);
  • more general sources of information including professional associations, sites with industry news and career advice, and fellowship/job listings. 

Science Education and Outreach

Science education includes teaching in young students, developing public programs to engage society in scientific topics, or improving resources for science educators. The field has some overlap with science communication.

Berkeley Resources

  • BASIS – opportunities to gain experience in K-12 settings
  • CEO – Coalition for Education and Outreach (CEO) is a community of practice for educators and practitioners working in STEM education and outreach. Regular emailed announcements, with events and occasional job postings.
  • CLEAR Project – encourages Berkeley scientists “to develop effective strategies for communicating science to a broad public audience”
  • EYH – Expanding Your Horizons is a group of graduate students, post-docs, and undergraduate women from a broad range of STEM departments encouraging younger girls to pursue STEM subjects in their future studies and careers – hosts a conference for middle school students.
  • POWER-Bay Area  mentoring program for community college students in physical sciences
  • Lawrence Hall of Science – has opportunities for UC students to get involved
  • Science at Cal aims to “engage the vast Berkeley STEM community as science communicators and foster creative collaborations among campus and community-based groups”

Careers in K-12 Teaching

Careers in Science Museums

Additional Resources

Center for Advancing the Societal Impacts of Research (ARIS) – has job listings and more
Science & Health Education Partnership (SEP) at UC San Francisco “aims to advance diversity and inclusivity in science; efforts include facilitating teachers and scientists co-teaching to support science learning in K-12 classrooms”
Center for Scientific Collaboration and Community Engagement – “The goal of CSCCE is to professionalize and institutionalize the role of the community engagement manager within science”