
The University of California, Berkeley works to enhance global scientific research by developing cooperative relationships with the best scholars throughout the world at the threshold of their research careers. One of UC Berkeley’s leading programs in this area, the Tang Distinguished Scholarship, brings Chinese scholars to UC Berkeley to undertake research in their field of specialty while working in the lab of a sponsoring faculty member. Funded by a generous gift from the Tang Family, the scholarship provides support for two years with the possibility of an extension for a third year. Decisions about the third year depend on program needs as well as scholar performance.

Outstanding scholars in biological sciences or other disciplines (mathematics, physical sciences, engineering & chemistry) who are interested in applying quantitative approaches to solve problems in biology are invited to apply. Other criteria include a Ph.D. within the last four years from a Chinese institution, Chinese citizenship, and English proficiency. Note that this program is designed to attract scholars who are new to UC Berkeley, rather than to provide support to scholars already working on campus.

Scholars are appointed as Visiting Researcher Scholars and are hosted in the labs of a UC Berkeley faculty member. The Tang Program provides a monthly stipend (paid at the rate of $64,480 per year) to cover living expenses. Scholars are expected to arrange for their housing independently and pay for it from the stipend. In addition, the Tang Program reimburses scholars for up to $9,000 per year to cover health insurance costs (including coverage of family members if applicable) and reimburses scholars for up to $2,000 for transportation from the city of origin at the start of the appointment.

Application deadlines are generally due mid-June for the scholarship that begins early the following year.

Professor Kunxin Luo is the faculty chair of the Tang Scholars program.